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Saturday, 11 August 2012

Generate Random password using C#.Net

 Generating Random password in C#.Net

I create a lot of code to C # with a random password to see. NET. But I feel the following code is very simple to create. Maybe I'm wrong, but I have my solution to this problem.

If you want a better way go through the given below code:

static string CreateRandPass(int numberOfChar)
           if (
numberOfChar <= 0 || numberOfChar > 32)
               throw new ArgumentException(“A password of only length 1 to 32 can be generated.”);
           string guidWithoutDashes = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(“n”);
           //Console.WriteLine(“Guid without  :- ” + guidWithoutDashes);
           var chars1 = new char[numberOfChar
           var random = new Random();
           for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
               chars[i] = guidWithoutDashes[random.Next(guidWithoutDashes.Length)];
           //Console.WriteLine(“Random password is:- ” + new string(chars));
           return new string(chars);


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